Since The Ambrosia Times is written, edited and formatted by Ambrosia Software, it may be slightly biased as to how good our software is. So we would like to take this opportunity to point out what some other people are saying about us. Although none of these folks are on our payroll (honest) they seem to be equally enthusiastic about what we are doing. If you know of an Ambrosia article or reference, positive or negative, please bring it to our attention. We will mention it here good or bad.
Included are some of the older articles mentioned, just to provide the most complete picture possible.
Mac Home Journal‚Ñ¢, February 1995
Mac Home Journal announced the winners of their Readers Choice Awards. Maelstrom won the Arcade Style Game category pulling in 25% of the votes. Wolfenstein 3D came in a distant second place with 8% of the votes. Mac Home Home Journal found it interesting that a shareware title beat out several commercial titles. Maelstrom also placed second in the shareware category. Other winners were industry giants such as Apple, HP & Myst. Thanks for the votes folks.
MacWorld‚Ñ¢, February 1995
Snapz has been reviewed in the February issue in the new products section. MacWorld will also be including Ambrosia’s shareware products in MacWorld’s online software libraries on both eWorld & AOL.
MacWorld‚Ñ¢, January 1995
Ambrosia and its products are mentioned in three separate places in the 1995 premier issue of MacWorld. On page 25 a reader complains that he is spending as much time explaining new features to Micro Word 5 as he did playing Maelstrom. Although I am sure Word is a very capable program, Maelstrom is a lot more fun.
On page 136 ColorSwitch is plugged as a handy solution to the problem of switching color depth on a monitor. If you know ColorSwitch you know this is true.
And on page 142 our freebie Discolour is suggested as an easy way to modify disk icons on your desktop.
MacWeek‚Ñ¢, December 5th 1994
Usually MacWeek does not mention games, but since it is the holiday season they bent this rule a bit. Chiral received a very nice quarter page article. The screenshot of our shareware program looked right at home next to those expensive CD-ROM games.
The Joy of Mac
Recently Chiral was named runner up for best shareware game by this Australian Macintosh users magazine. Do not bother to check your local news stand unless you are down under.
MacValley Voice, November 1994
This MUG located in Burbank California featured Snapz on their disk of the month and included a very nice review. Thanks guys. Local user groups can really add to the fun and productivity you experience with your Mac.
MacWeek‚Ñ¢, October 10th 1994
We were very excited to see an article on Snapz‚Ñ¢ in MacWeek. Usually our game software hogs the limelight, it was good for some of our more sedate software to reach stardom.
ZiffNet Threads‚Ñ¢, October 1994
Maelstrom and Chiral both receive favorable mention in the article “Shareware Authors favorite Shareware.” This recognition by our peers really lets us know that we are doing something right.
The CIDER Press‚Ñ¢, October 1994
This user group newsletter based in Rochester N.Y. included a write up on Snapz in their feature article on shareware utilities. Thanks folks, nice to here from the home town fans.
MacUser™, October ‘94, Page 136
This is a short blurb about Chiral‚Ñ¢ winning the ZiffNet/MacUser shareware of the year award. We had some tough competition and I am sure it was a close call, but we won for the second year in a row.
Computer Player™, August ‘94, Page 63
Maelstrom‚Ñ¢ received a ten out of ten, and was given the Computer Player recommendation stamp. This made Maelstrom the top rated game in four pages of capsule reviews. Thanks guys.
Computer Player™, August ‘94, Page 63
Chiral was given an eight out of ten, putting it on the same score level as SimCity Enhanced CD-ROM‚Ñ¢. Wow, must be that dollar value factor working.
MacHome Journal™, August ‘94, Page 74
Chiral has been given a three and a half apple rating. Here Chiral shares the same review space with Return to Zork‚Ñ¢. We were impressed to be keeping such dignified company.
ZiffNet/Mac Threads‚Ñ¢, July 1994, Page 2
An interview with Andrew Welch. Here he talks about Ambrosia in general and spills the beans about Apeiron‚Ñ¢ in particular.
BMUG Newsletter‚Ñ¢, Fall 1994, Page 378
From the outside this is certainly one of the most impressive user group newsletters that I have come across. It is actually a bound book with a color graphic cover. I was disappointed in the quality of the content though. Maelstrom’s review, although positive, was riddled with errors. Most importantly were an incorrect e-mail address and the statement “it’s not available in color, unfortunately”. Maelstrom is, and has always been, available only in 256 color. A quick addition of BMUG to our press release mailing list should fix this in the future.